If you have ever wondered about the reach of a YouTube video, please read on.

The Nordhavn 55 Terrapin is an exceptional trawler with a gorgeous green hull, dynamic white interior and a travel itinerary that includes both US coasts and a Panama Canal transit.

Terrapin Yacht

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JMYS had Terrapin on display at the Bay Bridge Trawler Fest last month and we shot a video prior to kick off to help spread the word about this marvelous trawler.
JMYS internet master, Don Allen, produced the Terrapin video and published it on October 8th.
Terrapin Yacht

Once released we never know what the reaction is going to be. At close to 10 minutes long, we wondered if people would have the attention span to watch the entire film, but it was clear from the get-go that this Terrapin video is special and that we were going to see impressive views.

Terrapin Yacht

The Terrapin video has surpassed 22,900 views in four weeks, a number that most boat listings would achieve after two or more years. If you haven’t taken a look yet yourself, maybe you should?

Terrapin is in North Carolina visiting family over the holidays and then intends to head south to Stuart, FL for the remainder of the winter.
Terrapin Yacht

Please contact Ray Danet, 772.229.6823 or Jeff Merrill, 949.355.4950 to make an make an appointment to get aboard.

Additional photos and detailed specifications are posted here: