Trawler Newsletters2020-12-12T00:23:52+00:00

The trawler market shifts like the tide, but with less regularity. The team at JMYS often becomes so wrapped up with active buyers and sellers, that we sometimes forget that the majority of our audience is planning for the future; as in a few years out, not a few weeks.

Many who are planning for the future search online to add to their knowledge base.  One of our goals is to publish a quarterly general interest recap to let people know what is going on in the world of trawlers.  These newsletters typically contain our current stable of trawlers and tugs for sale, links to recent articles on and other information that we believe you will find interesting.

The Trawler Newsletter section of our website contains an archive of our previously distributed general interest email blasts.  We trust you will enjoy perusing the past to prepare for the future.

Email is an effective communication platform for sending out announcements for new listings to our subscriber clientele first, often well before the details are made public. The listing announcements are not included here, you would have needed to be in our list serve to receive them. We also alert our subscribers to let them know when we post a new video and do the same with our Social Media channels.

We hope you will enjoy these “blasts from the past”.  If you would like to receive our email announcements when they are freshly distributed, please SUBSCRIBE.  Thank you!



Newsletter: Continuous Duty

October 21st, 2021|

A true long-range trawler relies on a continuous duty engine, a powerful machine that runs 24/7 for extended periods of time. This same drive has propelled the JMYS team to carry on nonstop ever since post lock down travel started opening in June of 2020.

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