Mark and Lisa Lund
After giving the subject much thought during the last few years, my wife and I decided it was finally time to “cross over to the dark side.”

Once we made the decision to sell our Pacific Seacraft sailboat and become more serious about looking at Nordhavns, it soon became obvious that we had a lot to learn.

We did a lot of research online to find the right trawler and kept coming across Jeff’s name so we got in touch and asked him to become our broker.

Jeff was incredibly patient as he answered endless questions and guided us through the boat selection and negotiation process. All of this occurred during the busy year-end holiday season.

Prior to our trip north home to Washington, Jeff joined us aboard for a three-day weekend of training and orientation in April, providing hours of instruction and invaluable information.

The level of service from Jeff before, during and after the purchase of our new vessel, was truly remarkable!

An unanticipated benefit of working with Jeff is that it gave us the opportunity to also become friends with his incredible wife Pam!

Mark and Lisa Lund – Nordhavn 40 – Chinatsu

Chinatsu N4047 Yacht