New look for JMYS Trawler Adventures!

One of the greatest benefits of the world wide web is the convenience of communication. To send an email, attach a photo and fire that off instantly spanning time zones or across the room is still amazing to me. Websites may not have replaced magazines, newspapers, libraries, travel agents, record stores, etc., but we are all browsing, researching and shopping online…you know, it’s endless, unlimited and convenient.

The further away you get from civilization the poorer your connection is and, I’ll admit, I get antsy and frustrated when I don’t have any bars on my cell phone or have to struggle with a slow early 2,000’s “dial up” phone line speed connection. I want and need uninterrupted high-speed, full-time access and I don’t have the patience to wait for something to load. Do you?

Which brings me to another amazing way to communicate using the internet, BLOGS. These magnificent diversions penned by devoted cruisers who are primarily letting friends and family know what they are doing; but also serve as encyclopedic educational entertainment. These folks are doing what we want to do, active adventuring via trawler traveling.

From detailed descriptions of fighting a fish to capture, clean, cook and consume; to pensive ponderings of just getting away from it all…these casual conversations include destination diaries filled with informative insights on what the Trawler Lifestyle has to offer. They are, about the best possible way for wannabe, future, down-the-road cruisers to get a glimpse of what marvelous activities and locations you can look forward to when you make the time and when it is finally your turn.

The JMYS team has many great relationships with cruising couples and independent itinerants who are generous with their words, prolific with their photos and happy to share their activities. As yacht brokers specializing in trawlers, we can’t stand to sit at our desks, we like to walk the docks and talk the talk with everyone who is out-there doing it – learning from others every day.
When was launched in 2014 we included a Trawler Blog section with the hyperlinks of many cruising friends (mostly clients who we helped find their ride). In short time, some of these links have gone dormant or become inactive, and just as quickly, many other new cruisers have taken off. Our blog section has proven to be one of the most popular resource on our website, but it was lacking something until this week.
With the inescapable bombardment of Snapchat, Instagram, Tumblr, Pinterest, Facebook (yes, we’re talking about Social Media), it is obvious that photos are what people want. A picture is worth a thousand words, etc. Blogs/websites, whatever they are or whatever they are called it doesn’t matter.

We hope you enjoy these adventures and check back regularly as we continue to add more. If you have a trawler website and would like to join this directory, please send us a note. If you are browsing one of our favorite adventure sites and it isn’t working, please let us know and we’ll see if we can get things rolling again.
View vicariously, and linger as long as you wish. Leave when you must to return to your real world and then sneak back to read another installment, episode or cruising chapter in someone else’s life. It isn’t weird, it isn’t voyeurism, (maybe voyageurism?). It is OK to follow what others are doing – especially if it leads you to the decision that you too are going to do something similar someday. Go, seek, explore, find, discover, smile, laugh, share…it’s satisfying, fun and wonderful to be out there.